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جايزه بين المللی عکاسی

جايزه بين المللی عکاسی ... نحوه شرکت..رشته ها... شرايط .. اسپانسرها و جوايز را در اينجا پيدا کنيد.. آخرين فرصت برای شرکت و ارسال آثار به اين مسابقه تا 10 سپتامبر تمديد شد.


The Competition
Photographer of the Year Competition

The deadline for submissions to the International Photography Awards has been extended to
September 10, 2004.

The International Photography Awards conducts two parallel competitions each year - one for professional photographers, who earn the majority of their livelihood from their craft and a second for nonprofessional or amateur shutterbugs - open to photographers from every country of the world.